+49 176 52 54 50 05
- Moroccan Proverb -

“There is no beauty like the beauty of action.”

We believe that true connections and sustainable developments can only arise through active engagement and mutual exchange. As a mediator between Germany and Morocco, we promote collaboration, understanding, and appreciation of cultural diversity.

About us

Our history, our goals, and our team


March 7, 2009

The German-Moroccan Competence Network e.V. (DMK) was founded on March 7, 2009, and sees itself as a mediator between Germany and Morocco.


Learning from and with each other

The network's goal is to promote international understanding, tolerance, intercultural dialogue, and sustainable development in all areas in Germany and Morocco.


Research, Education, and Economy

DMK develops and implements projects in research, technology, science, education, health, medicine, economy, culture, environmental protection, youth, and social sectors in both Morocco and Germany.

Our Network

International and interdisciplinary

The strength of the network lies in its interdisciplinary team from various regions of Germany and Morocco. Our members are highly qualified, motivated, globally-minded, and internationally-oriented individuals who offer themselves as partners and multipliers for German and Moroccan institutions.

Our Profile

Academics and professionals

The members of DMK e.V. are predominantly academics and professionals from all economic sectors (information technology, automotive industry, social and cultural sectors, energy and environment, research, and teaching). 20% of the members are women. The vast majority of members are closely connected with current development initiatives in Morocco.


Get to know us

Dipl. Ing. Mohamed El Karz


“In Germany, the land of philosophers and thinkers, I learned a lot. Now I want to give back to my birthplace Morocco as a bridge builder, engineer, and entrepreneur.”

Hanan El-Khouri M.A.

Vice Chairwoman

“My love for Morocco is comparable to a captivating coastal thriller that masterfully combines the serene charm of a breathtaking coastal setting with an enthralling mystery.”

Yasin El Atmani B.A.


“Born in Germany, but with Morocco in his heart, he dances between two worlds without pain. His longing draws from the streets of Nador, yet he does not leave German traditions behind. Born in Germany, but with Morocco in mind, a life full of colors, a true gain.”

Ichrak Bnouachir B.Sc.


“My path led me from my industrial engineering studies in Germany to building my career here. Now I want to use my expertise beneficially in projects for Morocco to actively contribute to the country's development.”

The centrepiece of our initiative

Our current working groups

Our working groups (WGs) are the dynamic centre of the German-Moroccan Competence Network. They combine expertise with targeted action and are the driving force behind our organisation. Find out more about the people who lead these groups and the issues they are passionate about:

Led by 

Asma Rharmaoui-Claquin

Environment and Renewable Energies

This working group is committed to the development and promotion of green technologies and environmentally friendly practices.

Led by 

Prof. Dr. med. Prof. h.c. Abderrahman Machraoui

Medicine and health

Health as a common good. This working group is dedicated to the exchange of medical innovations and the improvement of healthcare.

Led by 

Brahim El Hajoui

Diversity and participation

Diversity enriches! Under this premise, the working group works to create and maintain an environment of inclusion and equal opportunity.

Led by 

Dipl. Soziab. Mohammed Arkhadid

Member matters

The foundation of our community. This working group takes care of the needs of our members and supports them in realizing their full potential.

Led by 

DMK Board of Directors

Transnational relations

This group is responsible for maintaining international cooperation and relationships to strengthen global networks and promote cultural exchange.

Led by 

Hafida Kadiri Faselt

Tourismus & Event

This working group focuses on the development and implementation of effective communication strategies to optimize engagement and information flow. The organization of events is a priority here.

Led by 

DMK Board of Directors


The IT working group enables the exchange of expertise and consultation in the technological field. The goal is to develop and expand a strong network of technology experts.

Led by 

DMK Board of Directors


This working group is dedicated to promoting entrepreneurial initiatives and economic growth.

Led by 

Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Abdessamad Bendahhou


This working group serves as a forum for exchange and advice in the automotive sector. Networking with industry experts and technology pioneers is essential. The focus is on investment and know-how transfer, both in the academic and industrial sectors.

Led by 

Dipl. Ing. Hamid Chayeb

Education, Training, and Research

The focus is on maintaining international cooperation and relationships with other educational and research institutions. The exchange of knowledge and research results is of immeasurable value.

Led by 

Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Mohamed Bichra

High Tec & Innovation

Serves as a forum for exchange and consultation in the field of innovation and technology, supported by networking with industry experts and technology pioneers.

Become part of a movement that connects and shapes.

Become part of DMK e.V.

Would you like to actively shape German-Moroccan relations? Are you looking for a platform to advance sustainable projects and promote intercultural exchange? Then DMK is the perfect place for you! Shape German-Moroccan relations?


Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

How can I collaborate with DMK?

We welcome the interest of partners who share our goals and values. There are numerous ways to collaborate, from supporting specific projects to participating in programs that promote integration and sustainable development. For specific details, we recommend a personal conversation to discuss individual opportunities.

Who is behind DMK?

DMK is supported by people from various backgrounds – academics, professionals, and dedicated citizens who volunteer for the network's goals. Together, we pursue the vision of promoting sustainable development and integration through interdisciplinary collaboration. For more information and details about our work, we invite you to contact us directly. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate!

What is the goal of DMK?

Our goal is to promote sustainable development in Morocco and strengthen integration in Germany. We aim to set an example of trustworthy and credible development policy by sharing knowledge and experiences and fostering intercultural dialogue.

How do I become a member?

To become a member, please fill out the online application form on our website. After receiving your information, we will contact you.

What is the membership fee?

The membership fee is 50 Euros per year. As a non-profit organization, we rely on the financial support of our members to carry out our activities.

Do you have any other questions?

Contact us for more information.